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On July 10th, 2023 I picked up my brand new sketchbook to attempt to draw, as I had this urge, or perhaps you might call it a compelling desire to do art. I had spent the week prior exploring online art videos. I bought watercolors, a set of new brushes, colored pencils, and pastels to have on the ready, if and when I figured out how and in what direction to jump in


I was six weeks into recovering from hip surgery, spending more time than I could have imagined still in pain, elevating with ice, and laying low. 


I wasn't sure what kind of art to do. I just knew I needed it to take my mind off of the pain and discomfort.  Several summers ago, I had exhausted painting dots on rocks with acrylics and replaced that with binge sewing quilts, wall art, and stuffies for all the littles in my life.

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Up until now, I have always considered making delicious and pretty food or doing photography, as my main "art therapy" and outlet for creative joy. 


Sewing seemed a bit too much for this season. No, this recovery time was calling me to something soothing for my soul and expressive at the same time.


On the morning I decided to sketch,  I was in quite a lot of deep calf pain for some odd reason. A sketchbook and pencil seemed like a great place to start since I could recline and sketch without much fuss.


I saw a simple set of glorified barnyard stick figures on Pinterest and decided to try copying that. Seemed like a reasonable place to start since I had the option of using a pencil with the glorious eraser built in to give me that added boost of confidence that it is ok if I make mistakes.


You can see in the photo below how I took full advantage of the eraser as I struggled with the shape of the back of the cow and the bent leg of the horse! 


A couple of hours later I was told to immediately whisk off to the emergency room as the pain in my calf could be a blood clot. Turns out it was a torn muscle which meant even more time ahead was going to be spent on ice and laying low.


Two days later, I knew it was time to crack open the watercolor set and test out the brushes. Inside that box was something I knew I needed, almost as much as I needed to be able to walk in the sunshine with two-even legs again and no more exaggerated limping.



I was greatly inspired by the Youtube channels: Cee Cee Creations as well as The Creative Cove. 


I also took a beginning watercolor class online with Inga Buividavice

which helped me to learn about basic techniques.

​Everything Changed After I Got Back From The ER


Two days after the ER, I painted The Sky Is Falling because that is how

it felt the day of the emergency room.


Later that same day I painted Love Heals


I found an online Facebook group for abstract artists and by chance commented on a post of a painting that struck a chord with the wanna-be artist inside of me yearning to come out. I told her how much I wanted to be like her and told her I had just painted my first watercolors. She encouraged me to post and the rest is history.



Today as I write this, it is Day 11 (July 21, 2023) and for me, what has happened is one of those God miracles.


I sold Love Heals

and the next one I made, Flower Fantasy (see below) both within 2 days of painting them.


To date, Flower Fantasy has had over 800 likes or loves on the FB group wall I was intimidated to post on. It all just blows my mind really. And I say all this not to boast. Clearly I have a long way to go and I have copied and been inspired by other artists. The whole thing feels like a true gift I have been given and I pray that the magic and joy of art will remain forever more!!!


So if you think you can't paint or you want to paint, I hope this encourages you! If you are sad, lonely, hurting or recovering from sickness or surgery (or for any reason, really...), I want to invite you to join me in the healing and joy of art!

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Ploweing The Field Of Dreams
11 X 15 Watercolor


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12 X 16 watercolor

July 18, 2023


Light Years Away

12 X 16 watercolor and pen

July 20, 2023


Terra Nueva

11 x 15 watercolor

July 20, 2023


Encore Flowers
12 x 16
July 21, 2023

Click to watch video below

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I have written 3 books and I currently offer an on demand, self-paced comprehensive coaching and affiliate program that includes a 10 day cleanse. For all the details click the link below:

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